Monday, May 9, 2011

Stanford Schedule

Hello! A few of you were wondering about our testing schedule for this week:
Monday: Language (45 minutes) and Math Procedures (30)
Tuesday: Problem Solving (50) and Listening (30)
Wednesday: Word Study Skills (20), Comprehension (50), and Reading Vocabulary (20)
Thursday: Social Science (25), Science (25), and Spelling (35)
Friday: Make ups!
There is a practice test in everyone's take home folder today if you are curious about the layout of the test. Good luck! I know you will all do well!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mrs. Mackey's Newest Monkey

Baby Addison says Good Luck on TAKS next week!!!

And from Mrs. Mackey: You guys will do WONDERFUL on TAKS. We have worked so hard this year and I am very proud of all our progress, determination, and drive. I wish I could be there with you on Tuesday and Wednesday, but I will be sending Good Luck thoughts!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Our TAKS dates are April 26 (Math) and the 27th (Reading)

Our Exciting TAKS Adventures!
Traveling Tuesday: Pack a passport, we're traveling around the world with TAKS!
Wild Animal Wednesday: Bring a stuffed animal to help us do our Tarzan Talk!
Thorough Thursday: Let's look closely to find what still doesn't make sense. Bring some funny glasses or sun glasses to help us see!
(No school Friday!)
"No More Moaning" Monday!: We'll have a blast popping our TAKS balloons!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

When I Grow Up!

Our dress rehersal was a great success! See you tonight at 6:30 in the classroom!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mackey Monkey Parents,

Just a little update:
I know Mr. Baker sent home a letter saying I was having my baby. And it will still be happening soon!  Monday however was a false alarm. Next Tuesday will be my last day, unless she decides to come sooner. Ms. Fisher will be here every day from here on out just in case I need to leave… again.
As Mr. Baker said, Ms. Fisher has been spending a lot of time with the class and will be a wonderful asset to the Mark Twain family. I am very confident that she will do a great job in my absence. If you have any questions, feel free to contact her.
And a Big Thank You to everyone for their kind words and thoughts!
-Mrs. Mackey

Human Rights Badges

On our Gregory Lincoln trip, we saw many wonderful symbols outside the library. We decided to create badges to represent important people throughout Human Rights using the Adinkra symbols and their meanings.
Throughout Human Rights, we have done many fun activities. Some include a timeline/ sequencing of the Trail of Rights (We read the Trail of Tears and made a timeline for the book), The ABC's of Human Rights (We choose what rights we thought were important using the alphabet as a guideline), Cause/ Action/ Result Charts, and Human Rights Trees (each right was represented on a different part of the tree depending on what the student thought was important about it.) We have also been working on our legacy and what people leave behind. Our important person flip book has been a work in progress as well.

Gregory Lincoln

The Holocaust Butterfly Project

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Check out our work!

Feel free to stop buy and see all the wonderful things we are doing in class!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Human Rights

We are starting Human Rights and will be creating a passport to represent our rights. We will be using a wonderful and educational website to help us learn what Human Rights really are. Today we watched a video to introduce the topic and if any of you would like to see it as well, it can be found at

Friday, January 21, 2011

Our New Classroom Reporters Reporting!

         Special Events In 3rd Grade!
                   Third-fifth grade had a spelling bee the past week. Everyone was so exited when they saw the winners, who were Jake in first place, Allie in second place and Sky in third place.  We also want to congratulate the other contestants because they worked so hard too.  
                   Also what happened last week was third grade’s economics summative. We hope everyone gets a good grade!
                  We hope you cheer for the positive works pep rally for third grade!

Reported by: Shivani and Ashlyn

Monday, January 10, 2011

Classroom News

Welcome Back!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Break and is refreshed and ready to learn. After our short first week back, we have reviewed and gone over many things in class. One of those items is multiplication.
We began touching on multiplication before we left for the Holidays and are going to really begin working on it now. Ask your students tell explain how area and multiplication are alike. Or what their monster multiplication fact wheel looks like. We have begun making flash cards in class that students may be able to use in centers, on worksheets, etc.
Our Economics planner is coming to an end and we will be venturing into Space! We are very excited to begin learning about our galaxy. In fact we are getting ready for the planner by reading “My teacher is an Alien” in LDC and writing stories of our own about our teacher being an alien. BUT, don’t forget that with Economics, there is a final summative on Friday… think creating rules for a business, supply and demand, producers and consumers. AND remember the Million Dollar Project is due on Thursday!!!
We are really starting to work on our writing skills and have started a Recipe for Successful Writing. Ask your student about their monster alien story they are writing and how they are following an outline for writing.
Spelling Words. We did some of our spelling words last week in cursive. The students expressed interested in this and here is the web site where you can do it at home. You can use spelling words or any words you choose. *Writing words in cursive can be one of your 4 spelling activities for the week!
Also, Huckelberry Bask is coming soon! Don’t forget about classroom donations. And for those of you interested, a photo of our class projects (almost completed) is below!
Thanks, Mrs. Mackey!