Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Weather Report Website

This is a good website to use when you are looking for the weather report for your region.
BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!!!
The regions are different then the ones we are studying in class!!!!!!

USE the region you are assigned in class, not the one on the website!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Class Photo

Here is our wonderful Class!!

Frayer Model

Somw parents have been asking about the Frayer Model with reguards to the Spelling Homework. I found a good website explaining it;

I have also attached an example so you can see what I have shown the kids in class. Feel free to ask any questions!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Spelling Homework, and NOW- Reading Log

Great Job on our first week of Spelling Homework! There are a few things I would like you to know for this week's homework.

Make sure you are putting a title so I know which activity you have completed.
PLEASE put your name on your homework.
Make sure your paper is set up in the correct format. 

Starting this week we will have our Reading log! Please sign (initial)  and return everyday.