Thursday, August 26, 2010

Our First Week

This week has been an exciting start  to the new year. We should already be proud of our accomplishments! Our Class of Monkeys have begun to develop a wonderful community and work great as a team.

A few points of interest!

-The weather in our classroom seems to change a lot. I would suggest a light jacket for your student to keep at their desk!

-Remember we have a snack time since our lunch is late in the day. 

-And a note from the principle:

Dear Parents:

In order to ensure a safe and orderly dismissal and so that we can account for every child, we respectfully ask all children in grades 1 through 5 be picked up from the cafeteria only. Kindergarten parents may pick up at the classroom at 2:45. If you arrive at school before 2:45, you must get a visitors’ badge from the front office and wait for your children in the cafeteria, front rotunda, or outside unless you are going to Kindergarten at 2:45.This will ensure that teachers know the whereabouts of all children at all times. Thank you for helping us keep your children safe.

John Baker

And today is Friday. We are looking at out blog!


  1. Hello! Hope you had a great weekend!
    ~Michaela =)

  2. Nice and informative blog, Ms. McDonald. Great.
    Rafi was exciting to open your the liitle Marley monkey. We just reviewed his work at school (reading comp.), and let him leanred about 'Columbus', 'pledge of allegiance', and the phrase 'named after'. He then asked about his class (your) blog.

    rgds. - Agus Wicaksono (Rafi's dad). As I type in, Rafi is bringing in mom's notebook to visit your blog by himself. We created a blog for Rafi a long time ago (would need to keep it update..and make it in English).

  3. Hi Ms. McDonald. Nice blog! Alex says you had a great second week.

  4. I like our class pet allot I have allot of fun with Marley and shes the best class pet ever! :D

    -from Giulia Sdringola <3

  5. Ms McDonald,

    What we have to do in
    Is the picture in snow?

    from Rafi
