Thursday, October 7, 2010


What is going on in Ms. McDonald’s Class

We have just finished up our Communities Planner and are moving into Water.

The Communities Unit was a great learning experience. We did things like create our own city named Twainsville, write stories about it, create Story-telling Cultural Dolls, and learned about natural resources in the environment that allow communities to grow. We also talked about Houston and the History being the wonderful community we are all a part of. We discussed how communities change and why location plays a part in where people begin settling a community. Thus, the REGIONS test. And now we are on the last Region, the Midwest Region.

The Regions will continue into the Water Planner (not the tests though J) and we will learn about water supply not only in the regions of the Unites States, but all around the world. The Water planner is an action packed unit and we will be having a Water Day, learning from the WaterWise Lady, and doing many fun and exciting experiments. As with all the planners, at the end of the Unit, we will have a Summative Assessment that ties everything together and we see what we have learned as a class. This summative will most likely be on November  12th.

As for what is going on in class on a daily basis, make sure you are checking your students planner as they should be writing a lot of information.

Planners are to be signed every Tuesday Night.
Reading Logs are to be signed.
Homework is still our Reading Log and Spelling Work.
*We are going to hold off on Renzulli for a while as I am looking into some other online Homework options!

If you have any questions, feel free to email me!
-Ms. McDonald

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